January 2, 2014
By Adam
3 Easy Steps to Drastically Improve Your Life

This is the time of year when we all make New Year’s Resolutions to improve health, well-being and happiness. So in the spirit of the time, I’d like to share three essential practices that you can implement today that will improve your life drastically.

1. Before you go to sleep, place your phone on airplane mode AND in another room.

In 2014 the office will become your cell phone. Emails, social media, etc are all just as interwoven with professional as they are with personal, and it’s important that you give yourself true peace of mind to rest and sleep each night. The only method I’ve found to successfully stop the late night cell-phone grab is to put my phone on airplane and charge it outside of the bedroom.

2. Only open Instagram when you’re there to post.

Instagram has become today’s de facto medium for people to share their daily experiences with others. It's fun, it's engaging and it keeps you up to date with the lives of others. But there’s one major problem - It’s a complete exaggeration of what people are actually experiencing. The act of “filtering” is often just the act of embellishing the single most appealing moment of a given day or week, so stop comparing your own life to what others are presenting on Instagram. As much as I love it, check Instagram less often and you’ll find yourself more present and appreciative of the realities around you.

3. Begin each day with a completely selfless act.

Most of your day will inevitably be consumed by responsibilities, musings and opportunistic ideas. But within your first hour of emailing, send a note connecting two great people who will benefit from an introduction to each other. Try sending someone a book you know they’ll love or text a friend to say you’re proud of their most recent accomplishment. Swipe a subway ride or buy a bagel for the person behind you in line. The rest of your day might be about moving your own ball forward, but you’ll find immense joy in helping another first.

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